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Monday, September 13, 2010


NOTE: Rudy Dumapias is my classmate from Grade 1 to Grade 6 at the two Asingan Elementary Schools, the North and the South. .We became friends starting from Grade 1 under Mrs. Valentina Lising because of common interests: Drawing ( sometimes we exchanged drawings in the middle of a class ) and movies ( he introduced me to the culture of Hollywood Movies even during these early formative years by how he described old time movie idols like Audie Murphy and James Dean )

He had a very exciting and colorful career in the Philippine Foreign Service having worked in many places like Bahrain, Korea and his last assignment which was Mexico City.

He is an outstanding writer in his own way. He can write as fluently as he can speak. Not many have that kind of communication skills working together, hand in hand. Reading his stuff can be a sheer pleasure..

Many people, particularly Americans, do not understand the Muslim phenomenon. In total, I agree that so-called "political correctness" will eventually result to the loss of American freedom and democracy as was originally conceived in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Worse, once it takes more power, it will lead in the persecution of Christians. It cannot help but be the scourge of Western Judeo-Christian civilization because it is commanded in its precepts that infidels (non-Muslims) shall be converted, and if they refuse they shall be killed.
Here are points to consider:
1. Whereas religious freedom is observed in the US, this is not so in some countries. Although there is religious tolerance in some countries (ex: Malaysia, Bahrain) in that Christian congregations are allowed to exist, Christians however cannot evangelize to the local Muslims; penalty is death. Furthermore, Christian churches and the Bible are burned openly and Christians murdered because of their faith, and the authorities do not punish the perpetrators in the same urgency that American courts punish Christians for praying in public in their own country.
2. There are two main sects, the Sunnis and the Shia-ites, or Shiites. The Sunnis are moderate whereas the Shiites are the extremists; basically, the terrorists come from the latter group. Thus, it is easy for advocates of "religious freedom" in America to claim "persecution" and "Islamaphobia" since they can point to the moderate and peaceful Muslims as the victim Muslims; meanwhile they hide the truth about the terrorist sect. Many Americans fall into the trap and they feel guilty, and are lulled into an accommodation with the Muslims while the truth about the violent sect is glossed over.
3. But whatever "gains" achieved by the terrorist groups such as the 9-11 atacks, Fort Hood killings, etc., these are credited as "gains" to the whole Muslim faith and the moderates do not condemn them. To the Muslims, the "victories" are confirmation that "jihad", whether by violence or peaceful means, are justified and they become additional basis of encouragement for further JIHAD, regardless of how many lives are lost. Thus, if the mosque is allowed in ground zero, it would provide more justification for more attacks on American "infidels".
4. In view of the aforementioned, it does not matter whether the prayer or parade in NY is only once a year or weekly; it has the same impact on the idea of jihad -- it is seen as confirmation that turning America from being an infidel into a follower of Mohammad is correct. Expect the war on terrorism to go on for a long time.
5. Consider the religious intolerance in Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc: a) whether you are shopping, etc. when prayer time comes, everybody must stop whatever you are doing, go outside, and observe/join the prayer (in public address system); this practice is enforced by religious police and there is heavy penalty; b) Filipino workers in these countries have to hide their Bibles, bury them in the sand, and conduct their Bible Study in secret because penalty is beheading; c) the wife of the American ambassador was arrested for wearing Western casual attire, not the traditional Muslim women long gown, veils, etc. I have lived in the Middles East to see for myself that the "religious freedom" enjoyed by Muslims in America is grossly denied in most Muslim countries. In countries where Muslims extremists take power, expect the above practices to be enforced. Western Europe and America, be aware!!!
Conclusion: Americans should not see the Muslims as if they have the same values, tolerance, priorities, objectives, modus operandi, etc. that Americans live by. Instead, Americans should view them in the light of their culture and tradition, and particularly their religion because to them it is their way of life. Islam (including jihad) permeates into every aspect of their life. Extremist Muslims are not likely to change because every legal, social, and political accommodation given to them in America would reinforce their belief that they are right and the Judeo-Christian culture is wrong. And while the moderates can not calm down the terrorists, they benefit from the "gains" achieved through violence.
Americans may wake up one day to find that the very freedom they have extended have become the very tool used to snatch their freedom in their own country. But then, it would be too late.
God's angel said this about Ishmail, the ancestor of the Middle East Muslims: "His hand will be against everyone, and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers." Genesis 16:12.
Rudy D.

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