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Thursday, November 25, 2010


These two photos, among the many that I saw and picked up from FB belong to two ladies who are not sisters, let alone relatives..But somehow, their resemblance is uncanny..The top one is a contestant during the Miss Bikini Contest in Asingan last April 2010..

The second one is a Filipina from Pampanga who has just immigrated to Alaska.

In the scheme of nature ( a very complex science which we will never understand completely ), there are incidents which some call "freak of nature.." One of these are physical resemblances.

Facial resemblances were used in many stories, novels, movies. To mention a few, we have PRINCE AND THE PAUPER by Mark Twain, PRISONER OF ZENDA, THE WRONG MAN, HOUSE OF NUMBERS, and many others.

In PRINCE AND THE PAUPER, two boys with same facial features exchanged places. They just wanted to experience fun for a day, the prince will live as a pauper and vice versa. Then after 24 hours, they would switch back to their real places. However, some complications took place and the switch did not happen immediately thus the adventure was prolonged until one of them was almost beheaded.

The plot is similar to THE PRISONER OF ZENDA. A man who would be King was imprisomed then to be murdered so the nearest kin could get the throne. But the good guys found a look alike on time and he became a replacement during the coronation. In the WRONG MAN, Henry Fonda was nabbed by the police because his face resembled a wanted person in the Police picture files. This movie is excellent because it was directed by the master of suspense Alfred Hitchcock. In HOUSE OF NUMBERS, there are two Jack Palances. One was a prisoner in Sing Sing and his look alike brother plotted a scheme to let him out of the the prison which they called THE HOUSE OF NUMBERS. Well, the plot was successful but again something happened which I can not tell here. Too long and complicated. Anyway, sometimes you can catch these films commercial free in TCM.

Happy movie watching everyone and Happy Thanksgiving day! Nice day to watch movies!


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