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Monday, June 14, 2010

Sparky's New Video in my Blog...

IT was raining: drip-drip-drip constantly yesterday..Our dog Sparky positioned himself in front of the patio door as if he wanted to go out, but when I opened it, he ran back to his comfortable bed in the kitchen..'stupid dog," I said, "but I will always love you.."

He is my constant companion at home. He loves roaming around the backyard which had grown green and fresh and flowery with the arrival of summer rains and days of sunlight. Every three days, the grass has grown taller than the day before. Thus, they seem to call to me, in their silent plant language, cut us now, cut us now..just like the plants in ALICE IN WONDERLAND...

So I had to take out the very long extension cord and to begin the preliminary ritual of trimming the lawn, our dog Sparky's play ground..

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